About the Journal

Asian Journal of Education and Science Research (AJESR) as a globally recognized peer-reviewed journal, disseminates original, high-caliber research papers encompassing various educational domains. It serves as a vital platform for scholarly discourse, enabling academics and researchers to stay abreast of the latest academic developments and access valuable primary resources for citation purposes.

The Asian Journal of Education and Science Research (AJESR) Research is an open-access publication dedicated to sharing cutting-edge knowledge in the field of education and science. Papers intended for inclusion in AJESR undergo rigorous peer review to ensure they meet standards of quality, originality, relevance, importance, and clarity. We encourage authors to contribute to this journal by submitting articles showcasing their research findings, projects, unique surveys, and case studies that highlight significant advancements in education, training, e-learning, and related areas. Authors are welcome to submit their papers through our online submission system. Submitted work should be original and not previously published or simultaneously considered for publication elsewhere while it undergoes evaluation by AJESR.

Manuscripts published in the Asian Journal of Education and Science Research (AJESR) primarily constitute original research, methodologies, methods, and theoretical perspectives relevant to an international audience. The journal includes a particular interest in research toward scholarly analyses of issues and trends that inform educational practice(s) within and/or across sectors. Please make sure to read the instructions for authors before submitting your manuscript. The journal is published online four times a year


The Asian Journal of Education and Science Research (AJESR) has been abstracting and indexing in the following databases: Google Scholar

The Asian Journal of Education and Science Research (AJESR) is an independent international publisher of open access, online, peer-reviewed journals covering a wide range of academic disciplines in education that was recently founded by Zenius Publisher. with an editorial team comprising some of the world's leading researchers.

Zenius Publisher serves as more than just a publishing entity; it acts as a central hub for scientists. AJESR provides a remarkable array of research materials on its platform, bridging conventional publishing methods with the advantages offered by modern technologies. When you choose to publish your work with the Asian Journal of Education and Science Research (AJESR), it opens up the possibility for your research to have a global audience and facilitates swift feedback from fellow researchers around the world.

Zenius Publisher has a supporting, investing, and nurturing role in the publication and distribution of the journal but is also ultimately responsible for ensuring proper practices, particularly those involving the authors, peer reviewers, and editors, are followed in its publications. Zenius Publisher is the owner of the  Asian Journal of Education and Science Research (AJESR) and the articles contained therein.

Zenius Publisher Zenius Publisher is a part of The Indonesian Publishers Association (IKAPI), which is the sole professional publishing organization in Indonesia, uniting book publishers from across the nation. IKAPI came into existence on May 17, 1950, in Jakarta, with the purpose of creating a professional publishing body based on Pancasila principles, fostering collaboration and a sense of kinship among its members.